Chancellor Florida State Poets Association
Florida Poet Laureate Volusia County
Winner of 2011 American Poet Prize
M.B. McLatchey is an American poet and writer living, writing, and teaching in Florida. She is Poet Laureate of Florida's Volusia County, Professor of Humanities at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Chancellor for the Florida State Poets Association, Arts & Wellness Ambassador for the Atlantic Center for the Arts, U.S. Ambassador to the HundrED foundation, poetry reader for the Miami-based journal SWWIM, author of six books, and producer of an educational video poetry series.
Jan. 2025 - Poets for Peace. Join M.B., local area poets, and musician Ray McNiece on Thursday January 23 at 7pm for Poetry & Music in Support of the Orphans in Ukraine. The event will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 56 North Halifax Drive, in Ormond Beach. Free admission; donations welcome. For more info, contact Joe Cavanaugh, jcavanaugh1@gmail.com.
Jan. 2025 - M.B. is delighted to announce that her Spring semester poem for teacher friends, "Full Disclosure", has been spotlighted by The Missouri Review as their Poem of the Week. Thank you to editor Kylan Rice.
Jan. 2025 - M.B. is happy to announce that her poetry has been included in the recently released book Chameleon Chimera: An Anthology of Florida Poets. Thank you to editor Lenny DellaRocca for celebrating Florida poets this way. Available now on Amazon and other bookstores.
Dec. 2024 - M.B. is honored to announce that her poem "For a Dying Child" has won the Rhonda Gail Williford Poetry Prize second place sponsored by International Human Rights Art Movement. Thank you to Founding Executive Director Thomas Block for the focus he brings to social change.
Nov. 2024 - We are saddened today, the last day of November, to report that we have lost one of our own. Dr. David B. Axelrod, who has shared the Volusia County Poet Laureate position with M.B. since August of 2015, has passed away. David is the author of 24 books of poetry and has numerous achievements in Florida, New York, and internationally. We will miss his work and good humor.
Nov. 2024 - Thank you all for the wonderful turnout of poets, writers, and dear friends at the New Smyrna Beach Library to hear M.B.'s creative writing presentation showcasing National Novel Writing Month. A special thanks as well to McKayla Howard Ely for organizing the event. Well done!
Nov. 2024 - The Healing Power of Poetry. A heartfelt thank you to Sonja Jean Craig for her gracious article showcasing M.B.'s talk at the Women's Health and Breast Cancer Care Event last month in Central Florida. The event was hosted by the Atlantic Center for the Arts and AdventHealth and appeared in the November 2024 issue of Of Poets & Poetry.
Nov. 2024 - Obrigado!! Thank you!!... for the beautifully crafted translations of M.B.'s poetry into Portuguese by Brazilian-American friend and writer, Kátia B. de Mello Gerlach. Her translations can be found in the current issue of Quiasmo, a Galician-Lusophone journal. "Obrigada Kátia."
Nov. 2024 - TBT. Today we throw back to M.B.'s keynote speech at the FSPA annual conference four years ago and to a wildly generous review by Al Rocheleau (then president of FSPA). You can enjoy the speech's celebration of poet Seamus Heaney in this video, adapted from the original keynote.
Nov. 2024 - M.B. poems "Ethos, Logos, Pathos", "Plan B", and "Is There a Final Exam?" have won First Place in the Lazuli Literary Group's Fall 2024 Writing Contest and will appear in Azure next February. Thank you to editor Sakina B. Fakhri for her kind review of the collection.
Nov. 2024 - Poetry as a Dream Space - M.B. is conducting poetry workshops at The HUB on Canal in New Smyrna Beach on Wednesdays throughout the month of November. Spots are still available. Sign up soon! Details here.
Oct. 2024 - M.B. is honored to announce that her poem "Full Disclosure" will be featured next January in The Missouri Review's Poem of the Week series. Robert Olen Butler calls The Missouri Review "one of the best literary journals in the world.” Thank you to Associate Editor Kylan Rice, PhD.
Oct. 2024 - Women's Health and Breast Cancer Care Event. The Atlantic Center for the Arts is partnering with AdventHealth NSB on October 2 for an evening focused on mindfulness and women's health. As guest speaker, M.B. will explore the healing power of creativity.
Oct. 2024 - M.B.'s Poem "Invocation Before a Day of Teaching" has been published in the Fall issue of Crab Orchard Review. Southern Illinois University describes its journal as "not just a publication; it's a literary journey that delves into the heart of storytelling." Thank you to editor Allison Joseph.
Sep. 2024 - FSPA Annual Conference in October. We're only weeks away from Florida's next annual poetry conference, hosted by the Florida State Poets Association. The conference is located this year on the beautiful St. Johns River in Palatka, Florida, October 25 - 27, 2024. M.B. and others will be conducting several writing workshops. Register today! Details and full agenda here.
Aug. 2024 - Poetry Workshops at The HUB on Canal. M.B. will conduct a series of her Florida Loves Poetry!!™ workshops on consecutive Wednesdays throughout the month of November at The HUB in New Smyrna Beach. Register soon! Space is limited. Details and sign up here.
July 2024 - Upcoming Workshops! M.B. is excited to announce that she will be offering several workshops this Fall. Locations include: The Hub on Canal (November), The Atlantic Center for the Arts (October), the New Smyrna Beach Library (November), and the Florida State Poets Association's Annual Conference (October).
June 2024 - Verse Daily has selected M.B.'s poem "Afterlives" for recognition this month! The poem is taken from her latest collection Smiling at the Executioner. Thank you to editor J.P. Dancing Bear.
Apr. 2024 - It's National Poetry Month! M.B. will host ACA Poetry Workshops every Wednesday night this month from 4pm to 6pm at the Harris House in New Smyrna Beach.
Feb. 2024 - Poetry Night. All lovers of poetry are invited to join M.B. and Orlando area poets on Wednesday evening, Feb. 28, for Central Florida's inaugural Patio Poets event at the beautiful Venue on Lake Lily in Maitland, Florida. M.B. will Guest Poet at 7pm, immediately followed by an Open Mic for all Florida poets until 9pm. Admission is $7. Come help make this new monthly event a huge success and show everyone how much Florida Loves Poetry!!!.
Location: 641 Maitland Ave S, Maitland, FL 32751
Jan. 2024 - With over fifty attendees present, The Hub on Canal featured M.B. at this month's Open Mic Poetry Night for a fun night of friends, poetry and wine. Thank you to Pamela and Mary Jane for hosting and to all the wonderful poets that showed up for Open Mic.
Jan. 2024 - M.B. is honored to announce that her poem “Pop Quiz" has been published in the Winter 2024 issue of Sky Island Journal. A warm and heartfelt thank you to Editors Jeff and Jason.
Dec. 2023 - Purple Ink Press has announced that it will be publishing M.B.'s poem "Rate My Professor: A Rebuttal" in a print version of Chameleon Chimera, an Anthology of South Florida Poets curated by Lenny DellaRocca.
Dec. 2023 - Florida Loves Poetry!!! Join M.B. in exploring how writing in poetic forms – chants, odes, haikus, epistolary poems, and more – can unleash your most authentic voices. Beginners to advanced-level poets are invited. Sponsored by Atlantic Center for the Arts. SIGN UP NOW
Four sessions: Wednesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24. 4pm-6pm
ACA Harris House: 214 S. Riverside Drive, New Smyrna Beach
Nov. 2023 - BOOK RELEASE!! M.B.'s newest poetry collection, Smiling at the Executioner, has just been released and is available from Kelsay Books as well as your favorite book outlets. See why the editor of Verse Daily says, "These are the kind of poems you hope you can remember to quote when in moments of uncertainty." —J.P. Dancing Bear
Nov. 2023 - M.B. and Edite Cunhã are happy to announce that their recent translation of poems by Portuguese poet Maria Teresa Horta has been published in the British journal Cable Street. Edite and M.B. have been collaborating on Portuguese translations since they first met in Lisbon in 2017.
Nov. 2023 - "The best poetry workshops in Florida" are underway at The HUB on Canal.
Nov. 2023 - M.B.'s poem "Balcony House" has been published in the Fall issue of Tampa Review. Thank you poetry editor Jodi Johnson.
Nov. 2023 - Fall Festival of the Arts. Come listen to poetry readings by M.B. and Co-Poet Laureate Dr. David Axelrod along with other local poets on Sunday 11/19/23 at the Chess Park Stage next to the courthouse in downtown Deland. 12noon to 1pm.
Oct. 2023 - Reader's Favorite has awarded 5 Stars to M.B.'s newest poetry collection, Smiling at the Executioner. In their words: "Smiling at the Executioner is a great selection for readers who enjoy eloquently written poems within a work of collected thought." Due out later this year from publisher Kelsay Books.
Sep. 2023 - M.B. and fellow Regal House author Ginger Pinholster were welcomed to a warm crowd of over fifty attendees to their book readings and book launch at the Barnes & Noble in Tomoka Town Center last week. In attendance was ERAU's president and his wife as well as several deans and students from the university. M.B. shared a passage from Beginners's Mind and some poetry from her upcoming collection, Smiling at the Executioner. A heartfelt thanks to Ginger for organizing such a wonderful event.
Sep. 2023 - M.B. is happy to announce that The Banyan Review has published her poetry in their Fall 2023 issue. The poems can be viewed here: "A Drink of Water," "Synonym for Marriage", "Morning in Three Movements".
Aug. 2023 - Thank you to The Banyan Review and guest editor Terry Lucas for including some of M.B.'s most recent poetry in their upcoming release next month. Poems included are: "A Drink of Water," "Synonym for Marriage", and "Morning in Three Movements". The Banyan Review is an online, international journal that promotes poetry, art, and the natural world.
July 2023 - Poetry Workshops. M.B. is excited to announce that she will be hosting a new series of poetry workshops this Fall at The HUB on Canal. The four workshops will run on consecutive Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6pm starting on October 25, 2023, continuing to November 15. Serious poets and writers of all skill levels are welcome. See why many are calling these the best poetry workshops in Florida. Seating is limited, so sign up soon. Nominal fee required.
July 2023 - Upcoming Poetry Reading. M.B. will guest poet the Open Mic Poetry Night series at The HUB on Canal next January 20 at 5pm. For details about the monthly event, contact Mary Jane at 386-214-6409.
July 2023 - Thank you to the South Florida Poetry Journal and to curator Lenny DellaRocca for including M.B. in An Anthology of Florida Poets. Her poem "Rate My Professor: A Rebuttal" has been featured in the collection.
June 2023 - Refreshments and Readings - Barnes & Noble, Daytona Beach, Saturday, Sept. 16. M.B. will be joining author Ginger Pinholster to read from their upcoming works. Ginger will be launching her book Snakes of St. Augustine and M.B. will read from her newest collection, Smiling at the Executioner.
June 2023 - M.B. is happy to announce that her poem "Balcony House" has been accepted for publication in Tampa Review, Florida’s oldest continuously published literary journal. Thank you to editors Jodi Johnson and Yuly Restrepo Garcés for their strong support of literature and visual arts.
May 2023 - The ACA Poetry Workshop Testimonials for 2023 are in and they are lovely! If you have a moment, you can check here to see what the participants had to say.
Apr. 2023 - Writing the tops of their heads off!!! A record number of poets and writers came out to Harris House this year to make the ACA Poetry Month series a huge success. Info about the series can be found at Atlantic Center for the Arts. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. - Emily Dickinson
Mar. 2023 - M.B. is excited to announce that Kelsay Books will be publishing her newest book of poetry, Smiling at the Executioner. The release is scheduled for later this year in November.
Mar. 2023 - The ACA poetry workshops scheduled for April are sold out. You can send an email to mbmclatchey@gmail.com if you would like to get onto the standby list.
Feb. 2023 - It's almost that time of year again! April is poetry month and that means poetry workshops at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach. See why some are calling these the best poetry workshops in Florida. M.B. will host the workshops every Wednesday evening throughout April. Admission is free but space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot soon. You can find out more and register today on ACA's poetry page.
Jan. 2023 - M.B.'s poem “Rate My Professor: A Rebuttal" has been published in the 2023 Winter Issue of Sky Island Journal. Thank you to its wonderful editors, Jeff Sommerfeld and Jason Splichal.
Jan. 2023 - It is with heavy heart that we notify you that local poet Robert Calabrese has passed away. Highly admired by all who knew him, Bob had a gentle soul, was a dear friend to all, and without question, was a highly gifted poet. Bob and his poetry will be remembered at this month's Open Mic Poetry Night at The Hub on Canal on January 21st.
Upcoming Events - 2025
April 2025 - Poetry Month Workshops
The Atlantic Center for the Arts will be hosting M.B.'s four-part Florida Loves Poetry workshops during Poetry Month next April. Details coming soon.
Loving Poetry at The HUB on Canal

Barnes & Noble 2023 - Book launch and signing

Writing the tops of their heads off at Harris House

Poetry month 2023 at Atlantic Center for the Arts